General work site arrangements

Instructions about safety procedures, factory-specific rules and other general work site arrangements in the area.

Safety instructions for the site

Safety is the most important priority for Yara in all activities, and the aim is to ensure zero incidents. In terms of safety, we require more than what the official regulations demand, and our principle is to prevent accidents through preventive measures and the continuous improvement of operating methods.

Click here for more information about our site’s Safe by Choice operating model and the golden rules of safety (in Finnish) >> 

We require all of our partners to commit to our general safety instructions, which are also part of our purchase agreements.

 Safety and security (open Safety and Security Appendix 13, PDF >>)
Safety instructions (open Safety instructions Appendix 13.1, PDF >>)

Traffic and parking

As regards traffic and parking, the rules of the Siilinjärvi site must be observed. The parking areas are indicated in the area plan provided on this page. A separate vehicle access permit is required for driving into the area. All unnecessary driving and parking in the plant area must be avoided.


Plant area cafeteria during spring 2024 turnaround:

  • Open on weekdays from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., hot food is available until 4:00 p.m. 

Cafeteria opening hours outside of annual turnaround:

  • The cafeteria in the plant area is open on weekdays between 6.30 am–2 pm.
  • The cafeteria in the mine area is open on weekdays between 9 am–1 pm.

Contact information for the cafeteria

Ulla-Maija Korhonen, Restaurant Manager tel. +358 (0)50 434 8687

Non-smoking Yara

The Yara Siilinjärvi site is smoke-free from 2025. Non-smoking also applies to contractors working on the site. The goal will be gradually shifted so that, as of 1 January 2025, the number of tobacco places has been significantly reduced. At the initial stage, smoke-free only applies to tobacco and e-cigarettes, but not other tobacco products such as snus.

First aid

First aid supplies are available in every building, usually in control rooms, reinforced shelter rooms or near the entrances.

In case of an accident

Mehiläinen's occupational health care service in Siilinjärvi, address Kuiluntie 10, FI-71800 Siilinjärvi

  • Office hours: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8 am-3.30 pm, on Tuesdays 8 am-12am, on Fridays 8 am-1pm.

Plant’s assembly points and defibrillators (open Appendix 13.1, PDF) >> 

Mine’s assembly points and defibrillators (open Appendix 13.1, PDF) >> 

Area plan

Plant and mine area maps, click the image to enlarge it:


plant area map
Plant area
mine area map
Mine area


Waste management

Yara’s actions in waste management are regulated by waste legislation, municipal waste management regulations, environmental permit and our internal operating system.

Waste law (646/2011) obliges to deliver waste primarily into reuse or recycling and secondarily to be exploited as energy source. Disposal to landfill is the last choice. Law obliges also to keep different kinds of waste separate, so that the aforementioned comes true.

All employees working at Yara’s site are obligated to recycle waste correctly. Incorrectly recycled waste causes additional costs and can also be a safety risk in further recycling processing. 

The attached abbreviated recycling instructions describe the different waste fractions generated at the Siilinjärvi site, which are collected separately. Open waste recycling instructions here (pdf) >>

Preliminary checks

Power tools and lifting equipment must be checked before the beginning of work. The colour of the power tool inspection stamp for 2025 is yellow. The contractor can inspect the power tools independently (if qualified) or agree upon the inspection beforehand with Jari Pekkarinen of Kolmen Sähkö Oy ( The inspection can also be ordered by electrical installation companies other than Kolmen Sähkö Oy. In there situations, the contractor must be able to present the inspection documents to Yara.

Jan Kuokkanen ( is responsible for the inspection at the mine.

Lifting aids and safety harnesses and ropes related to lifting work must be inspected annually by a person or company with inspection qualifications. The small round slings (0.5–5 t) and lifting belts used in the Yara area may not be used for more than a year from deployment. The first commissioning month and year must be marked on e.g. the type label, not on the pavement frame or belt itself with a marker. Marker markings on the belt itself or on the belt can be grounds for rejection.

Internal transport, forklift services

The vehicles, forklifts and wheel loader in Yara’s possession may only be used by Yara’s own personnel.

Distribution of general accessories during turnaroud - ETRA container store

By using an ETRA container store, our aim is to standardize the distribution of different accessories some of which used to be distributed through our safety desks. 

  • During turnaround, escape masks are borrowed from the Etra container store. 
  • The Etra container store can be used by turnaroud contractors (work management only) and by Yara personnel.
  • The container store is situated in the field between the nitric acid plant and the fertilizer plant. 
  • During turnaroud, the Etra container store is open on weekdays between 7 am - 4 pm. 

Outside of annual turnaround: Borrowing escape masks from the central warehouse

The central warehouse features a dispenser from which contractors can borrow escape masks. The dispenser is accessible 24/7 via a sign-posted route through the side door of the central warehouse (sign: Varastoautomaatti).

It is recommended for the supervisor or head of each company to borrow escape masks for the entire team. This ensures the safe and smooth use of the dispenser.

Conduct at spare parts warehouses

Unnecessary visits to the spare parts warehouses must be avoided.

When accessing a spare parts warehouse, the person retrieving components must have a work order number or the work order pertaining to the warehouse pick-up. When the receiving company is Yara's subcontractor, the contact person working at Yara Suomi Oy site must be mentioned in the consignment note, with the contact person's phone number. This helps identifying the materials. Read more in the Attachment 12, Delivery, packing and marking instructions (pdf) >>

Warehouse opening hours: weekdays 7:00 am–3:30 pm.