Frequently asked questions

Here we have collected answers to questions that our contractors and service providers frequently ask.

Answers to frequently asked questions

The central warehouse features a dispenser from which contractors can borrow escape masks. The dispenser is accessible 24/7 via a sign-posted route through the side door of the central warehouse. Instructions for borrowing escape masks >> 

Vehicle access permits are applied on Zeroni. Only approved applications give access for driving to the area.

Approval for subcontractors must be obtained by filling in Appendix 14.4. >>
The form must be sent to the person responsible for the commercial aspects of the contract. If the subcontractor in question is approved, a message stating so will be sent as a response.

The contractor must maintain a list of its subcontractors: which ones have been approved, when and for which area. In case of emergency, this information is also available from the person responsible for procurement.

You can check your training information on the profile tab accessible from the learning environment’s home page ( >>

Please contact the main gate or area security, telephone number +358 50 313 0101. E-mail address:

Home page (; click “Did you forget your username or password?” on the front page.

Please contact the person responsible for technical matters or the buyer at Yara.

Permission from Head of Mine or Plant Manager is always required for the public use of photographs and videos in contexts such as the social media channels of a partner company or individual employee, or on a company website.

Photography arrangements related to annual turnaround documentation are agreed upon separately between Yara and each supplier.

Reference listings always require permission from Plant Manager or Head of Mine.